I decided to get a job part-time for a while, I can't stand not having money right now and I think it will be good for me to have a few days that get me out of the house. It is great working from home but at the same time it takes a toll, I just like to get out and get dressed everyday. Anyway I am returning to my old company, which I am actually excited about. I will be hired as a temp worker so the pressure of goals and such are not there. At the same time I get to see all my old friends and it is something that I am good at and already know. Hopefully I will be working as early as the beginning of May!
I also start my volunteer job next Thurs which I am super excited about. Sadly my best friends boss who was fighting Leukemia for years passed away. It was so sad because he really fought for his life and he left behind a wife and young son. My prayers are with his family.
Other news in my life, my weekend was great fun. I went out with friends on Friday night and sat. night I was with my sister in-law for her birthday. Sunday my mom and I threw a bridal party for my godmothers granddaughter. That was so good and nice to see everyone. And to top off my already crazy weekend, Sunday night I went to my old coworkers house for her son's 1st b'day. This was so great and I got to catch up with everyone!