Things have slowed down a bit in my life, which never happens, but I am going with it. Usually I would get annoyed, but I have learn through my dad that these times are needed for the mind and body. I still have plenty to do, just not endless hours worth.
As far as my work, I am kinda at a stand still until my dad comes homes and we decide our next move. I have completed all other loose ends and it feels good to be caught up. My dad returns this Thursday, which I am so excited about. It feels like he has been gone for far to long and I just ready from him to be back. I miss my running partner and our midday glass of wine together. I am also so anxious to hear all the news about his meetings and everything that has gone on while he was way.
Since I have had a bit more time the past few weeks, I have just caught up on other things and I have also devoted more time to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I try to help out at least once a week, today I have a few hours of training and meeting with other volunteers. I am excited for the next few months as what we are working on right now will start taking shape. Right now we are doing most of the prep work for a program, so mainly office tasks and sending out letters. Once the program kicks off I will be working with kids and telling my personal mission with Leukemia. I can't wait for this!
On a side note, the other night my mom and I went to see an Iranian play and afterwards they were passing out flyer's about a man with Leukemia. He is from Iran, recently married and just turned 30. With the grace of God he somehow found a matching Donner for a bone marrow transplant, the only obstacle is that he has no health insurance. So his family and friends are helping raise money for the surgery. Emory Hospital has agreed to start some treatments but they still need about $200k. As I read the flyer, I could help but tear up and when I got home I decided to try and help. So today was my first day just gathering info, I would like to go meet the patent and family and make sure that it's OK for me to help and we will go from there.
You know, sometimes I wish I could do so much more. I wish money was no obstacle in life and I would devote my time to people that need it. I would love to inspire people in times of need, to be a rock and shoulder for someone to cry and to cheer someone on when they think they can't go on. But, since money is an obstacle, I hope to work my ass off now in order to do these things comfortably in the future!