It's awful that I have written in over 2 months!!! What is even worse is that I haven't realized that 2 months has passed. I feel as though this year has gone by exceptionally quick, before I know it another week has passed. I didn't even realize the week of my birthday that it was my birthday until 3 days before it and even then I thought surely this can't be right!
To say we are busy is an understatement, being that my father and I are doing pretty much everything these days, we can't seem to catch up. Some days I start with updating our website and different accounts and I end it creating new blends of products in our lab. I can say that I have learned more the past few months than I ever imagined. I have been involved with the oil refining process and going to UGA to work with the professors. I have learned all the accounting and filing of sales tax, etc. I worked side by side with my father when the grapes come in and we have to process everything...yes it has been quite a journey.
It's crazy to experience all this, especially in a time that the economy is in such turmoil that no one knows what is next. People ask me all the time, how I can do this and keep going. They ask what keeps me motivated to go on. To be honest there are days that I want to throw in the towel and I question whether it will all work. But the minute I think about quiting I just know that it's not my time to quit. I know that everything will work out and I am determined to see this company take off. 2 years ago I woke up knowing that this is what I am purpose to be doing and I feel it more now than ever. Yes I have days that I am in tears because I wonder when we are going to catch a break, but at the end of the day those tears make me want it more. I hope one day I can look back and know that all this hard work paid off.