I can’t begin to explain the past few days of my life. In a matter of 48 hours everything has changed. I had my last day of work at Tiffany & Co., I said good bye to some of my closest friends and I have prepared to leave Atlanta. Its funny to go through with it all because for the longest time this was all talk and no action, but now my actions have consequences and things are all to permanent.
I spent three years at Tiffany and co. and grew to love the people I spent 10 hour days with. Not only did I grew to love them but without realizing it I formed a family and friendships that i will have for the rest of my life. I always knew that i would one day leave Tiffany but i never imagined it would be so hard. I look around and see friends that in all honesty I would stay for. God has blessed yet again and given me people that are amazing.
I know my last day has come and gone but it has yet to hit me that I am no longer working there. I still feel as though I still have to go to work or I will see everyone again. To all of you that I have had the pleasure to work with, thank you! From the bottom of my heart thank you...you have shown me so much and I will miss you all!
This weekend I also said goodbye to all my friends. I had a wonderful time with everyone.....again another experience that I didn't think would be so hard. You don't realize what you have until you are losing it. I know I am not losing friendships but I will not see everyone for quite some time. I am so happy to have had one last blast to send me off!
All this being said I realized now more then ever how so very lucky I am. I am surrounded by amazing friends and family and I can only be happy and thankful for this.
ok, it's time for you to leave now, we're waiting for posts and pictures.