Sadly I found out yesterday that my mom is unable to join me in Iran. I kept thinking that she would be okay and would be able to fly but she went to the doctor and since she is still having lots of pain he advised her not to fly. I guess I was just hoping so hard that everything would work out. Me being in Iran for one month is really a rare occasion and who knows when I can come back and for how long. I keep wishing that we could change the way things are or a miracle will happen and she will be here tomorrow. What a great surprise that would be!
At the same time, her health is most important and I really want her to heal and be back on her feet. I think the pressure of it all was the worst part for her. She has been having pain but wanting to get better in order to come. At the same time she has anxiety that if she flies, she may have pain or something may happen. On top of all this, I know that she really didn’t want to let me down, after all this part of my trip was planned especially for us to be together and travel. I feel so bad for her and hope that she isn’t upset about this turn of events.
We of all people know that life is unexpected and you may plan something for months and then when the time comes something happens and changes everything. This is life, I have to believe that everything happens for a reason and this did as well. Nothing good comes out of looking back and wishing things were different. She is unable to come so we can only say that sometime in the future we will make this trip happen!
As sad as I am, I am here in Iran after so long and I am going to enjoy every second of it!
I have been looking forward to this trip and to seeing my family. To be honest this is a great learning experience for me, because I have never been here alone so I am learning how to be independent here and connecting with my family even more.
Anyway it is what it is and I have to remember when obstacles like this happen, life could be worse. I am thankful to be here and that super thankful that my mom is going to get better!
I agree, get Out there and live it , dont get stuck in Tehran or Esfahan, Go see other places