Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 Months felt like 5 Weeks!

I can’t believe that I only have 3 weeks left of my trip. I knew it would end, but I never thought it would be so soon. The past 5 months have flown by and as much as I enjoyed every minute I still can’t believe that it is over. I know 3 weeks is still a good while and I am sure the next 3 weeks will be amazing but in comparison to 5 months 3 weeks is so short.

I miss my family and friends and when I think about coming home I am excited but when I really think about being home for longer than a week I start feeling uncertain. I just don’t think I am ready to come back, I wish I had another month or two. I still don’t know where I want to go. I am now in a hunt for jobs anywhere but Atlanta. I am actually starting to look in Sydney...just for the hell of it. I mean why not, what do I have waiting for me in Atlanta? I wish I had a clear answer of where I should go, it’s hard trying to figure it out. I have lived in Atlanta my entire life and to move, well it’s a big deal!

I want to be sure of what I am doing and make the right choices. I keep thinking about home, my life there, my friends. You see, being away makes you realize so many things like: who your true friends are, what you really like and who you really like, what you want to do and how much your family plays a role in your life.

I have realized the lack of effort of some friends to keep in touch, friends that I thought would be better friends! Especially knowing some of the difficulties of my trip, not that I wanted anything from them but just something to show they cared. At the same time there were people that I didn’t expect any contact from that have kept in touch.

I see now how much I rely on my parents but even more how much they also rely on me. I miss them so much and there isn’t anything I need from them other than just having them in my life on a regular basis.

I know I am rambling but there is so much that one thinks about when they are away from their own environment. I am certain that the first few days of my arrival will be great and after that I will begin to think about getting away again. I am happy that my Motto is getting married and her bachelorette trip will be only a few weeks after I arrive. We will reunite in Vegas in early March and I am sure it will be a great time! At least it will be a great way to see all the girls and catch up. In the mean time if I can land some interviews out in California then that will be a great time to find a job...probably before the debauchery. I hope things work out and just fall into place. I hope I know what and where I want to go.

1 comment:

  1. :) Thanks Moe! You're right I know what I don't want so I can go from there and things seem to always fall into place right in time. The next few months will be interesting!
