Saturday, March 26, 2011

Coffee I'll never forget!

When I was in Sydney my aunts friend came over and read my future with turkish coffee. I had never done this or really heard of it but apparently it's the thing to do. I was very excited only because my cousins fortunes were all right and well I wanted to know what the heck is gonna happen. Funny we are all so obsessed wanting to know what's going to happen and we forget what is happening.

Anyway my aunt's friend kept telling me not to get disappointed if nothing shows up because some times that is the case. I patiently waited and once she flipped over my cup she said nothing. All I kept thinking was "great, everyone got theirs read and mine's a bust". After a few minutes she said, "I am speechless, I have never seen something so good". My eyes just kept getting wider and wider and finally I was asking to know what is so good. In summary she basically told me that whatever it is that I have been praying for I will get. I will not say all the details, some things should be just for me to know and see if they happen but all was great that she said. I got details on most things, love, work, and life.

It was funny because after that I was at ease and I felt like everything is going to be okay. How interesting is that? A cup of coffee was easing my worries. But it was, I now wonder if I have been making some of those things come true or trying to come true? Or if they are happening on their own?

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