Monday, May 2, 2011

Wasn't I just here?

Today was my first day back at my old job. It's weird to be back, although I am there on a contract basis, so as needed for either party. It worked out for both of us, they needed someone but were in the position to hire full time and I was looking for a job that required minimal hours so I can continue working on my own project with my dad.

As I went up the escalator and walked to get my morning coffee, it felt like I never left, like I was just there the day before. I made me really sad. It made me sad that the past 9 months felt like a day. My greatest fear after my trip was that I would soon forget all those moments that I wanted to last forever. And now I feel it happening, I feel like I am letting go, like it was so brief or a distant dream. Being back made me realize how short it all was.

As sad as I was to feel this way, I was happy to see everyone, to do something I am good at and like and really to just make some money! It was just the strangest feeling, so weird to be back and feel like I was gone, but not at the same time. I never thought I would go back, I had made it so final in my mind but the fact is that there were times I missed it, missed the people and the fun times we had!

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