Thursday, April 21, 2011

My crazy weekend!

I 've been a bit lazy or busy I should say to write the past few days. Days just fly by and I can't seem to find the time for a lot of things. Everything is going really good these days. My father and I are hard at work trying to get things going and I feel like we are finally getting somewhere. We have a lot to do but at least that is a good thing.

I decided to get a job part-time for a while, I can't stand not having money right now and I think it will be good for me to have a few days that get me out of the house. It is great working from home but at the same time it takes a toll, I just like to get out and get dressed everyday. Anyway I am returning to my old company, which I am actually excited about. I will be hired as a temp worker so the pressure of goals and such are not there. At the same time I get to see all my old friends and it is something that I am good at and already know. Hopefully I will be working as early as the beginning of May!

I also start my volunteer job next Thurs which I am super excited about. Sadly my best friends boss who was fighting Leukemia for years passed away. It was so sad because he really fought for his life and he left behind a wife and young son. My prayers are with his family.

Other news in my life, my weekend was great fun. I went out with friends on Friday night and sat. night I was with my sister in-law for her birthday. Sunday my mom and I threw a bridal party for my godmothers granddaughter. That was so good and nice to see everyone. And to top off my already crazy weekend, Sunday night I went to my old coworkers house for her son's 1st b'day. This was so great and I got to catch up with everyone!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"When you give, the world gives back and when you smile, the world will smile back"
My Mom

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The past 2 weeks have been very interesting with work, there have been lots of changes but all for the better. I was getting so discouraged with things even though I know better. However, lots of things are happening and I am excited for the next month to see some results of all the work we are putting in.

I just like to keep busy and see results of the work I am doing so when I don't I tend to get down about it. I knew getting into this that there was a long road ahead of us. I planned at least 6 months of work with nothing in return, that being said you can't help how you feel at times.

Other things are good. I have been keeping busy with this, doing my yoga and running. I dropped my car off today to get repaired from the wreck, I hope they can fix everything without a hassle.

I can't believe how fast time goes by, before you know it I will be at the wedding in May and then summer will be here! I have been thinking a lot about traveling again, I want to go to Italy or Greece for a month or two. I don't know, I want 2 different things right now, one is to make this company as successful as possible, start working and settle down. The other is to get out of Atlanta and be free for just a little bit longer, right now I have nothing tying me down here so why not?

Who knows, things seem to change daily so I have learned to only plan so far!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


My fun filled weekend took a not so fun turn :(

Kaskade was amazing, as expected. I danced until I couldn't move and made it on stage just close enough to see the DJ, but had to keep walking! I made it home for a 5 hour sleep and was up getting ready for the shower. Surprisingly I was ready super fast, went and got the cake, came home to get my mom and we were off!

Then it happened....not even 10 minutes later I was in a car wreck!!!! Of all the things to happen! My first concern was the cake in the back and then I realized my mom was saying "who cares about the cake! Are you ok?" Thankfully no one was seriously injured and it wasn't my fault.

Not a fun Sat. morning, but life could be worse!

Friday, April 8, 2011

It's time to give back!

At the beginning of this week I did something I hate doing, I got upset about work, money and just how tough things have been. I was so down and unhappy. I made a promise a long time ago that as long as my family and I are healthy, happy and have a roof over our heads that I wouldn't let the small stuff bother me, because at the end of the day none of it matters.

It's almost as though some times you let life get to you. Well I also remembered what I used to do to keep me in check, volunteer my time. Before I started my last job and went back to school, I used to be so involved and I used to give back, and it was the best therapy for me. So I've decided to start giving back again and I have to tell you, just the thought of it makes me happy!

I signed up for a few things on Tues. and called Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, an organization dear to my heart. I have decided since I have the time now, I am going to give as much as I can and regularly, probably once a week. There is no reason why I can't or don't put the time aside. The one thing I remember when my brother was sick was how amazing people are to donate their time and energy for others and it was a great gift for us. I can only hope to do the same for others!

Time to Dance!

My weekend will be filled with fun starting today! Sepi (my motto) is coming in town for her bridal shower. I can't wait to see her and spend some time with my motto! Even though we saw each other in Vegas that was just not enough. We always need a few hours of just the two of us to feel good.

Tonight is Kaskade, which most know my love for! I am super excited and ready to dance until I can't move. My only concern is tomorrow morning when I have to pick up the cake at 9am and be at the shower by 11am! Yikes...but both worth the pain and pleasure! I am sure some good stories will come out of the next 48 hours!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I once broke up with a guy who gave me origami, oh the things I have been through."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A big mistake calls for a Grand gesture!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today was bit of a tough day for me. I guess every so often things get to me and I just can't shake it. I was busy finding a bakery and ordering my friends cake for her bridal shower and after a few hours the stress of it all just got to me. I wasn't stressed about what I needed to do just the fact that I wish I had the money to get what I want for her.

I have never not worked, as long as I was legal to work I have. This is the first time in my life that I am not making any income and it scares me shitless. I like to be comfortable and not ever have to worry about money, that's why I have always worked so hard. It has been a challenge going from making a pretty decent living for myself to nothing.

I know that the next few months will be challenging and I keep telling myself, that this is all worth it in the end. I will suffer a bit now but if I really do believe, which I do, that this business will work then in the end I will be ok. My greatest comfort is that I am set on making it work and regardless of the task at hand when I set my mind I never give up. I just have to keep going and not let money get me down.

To ease my mind a bit I have started looking for some part-time work and there is actually more then I expected out there so I am hopeful to find something soon! I also have to say that my father is the only one that can look at me and tell me that everything is going to be ok...tonight when he came home he knew I was upset, so we sat down and talked. In the end he said that there are so many other things in life to be upset about, money will come and go. I think one of the greatest qualities about my dad is that he has never been attached to money, his happiness is not attached to money and he never counts on it. I admire him for this!