Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where did Time Go?

Today my uncle arrived in Isfahan. Although he has been absent in much of my life I still couldn’t wait to see him and hear all things he remembers about me from when I was a little girl. He reminisces about the times when me and my cousins were young and we all loved to play with him as he was our favorite uncle then. Needless to say he has been through many different phases in his life and that has been the reason for the distance between us. The beauty of life is that things change and so has he.

Today is a holiday in Iran so everyone came to my aunt’s house for lunch and we spent the day together. It has actually been one of my favorite days so far; we ate lunch, played cards and hung out. In the afternoon we went to my cousins house and prepared for dinner. We decided to get a bit dressed up and take some family photos. We laughed and joked around until we couldn’t breath, it was a wonderful night. At some point my parents called and we put them on speaker so they could talk to everyone, I wish they were here and I know they do as well.

I only have one more full day in Isfahan, I can’t believe how fast time goes. I was happy to have 10 days here and now I only have one day left. I feel like I am just getting comfortable here, my cousins and I are constantly laughing and joking with each other. We are just getting to that point where we are enjoying each other and now I have to go. This is the part of traveling I hate; leaving.

Traveling has two extremes, you have the joy of arriving and seeing everyone, on the other side once the end of your trip is near you have the fear of saying goodbye and leaving. It is hard for those of us that live so far apart, who knows when we will see each other again and if we will see each other again. You get to an age where you realize that time is limited and goodbye’s become harder and harder. I don’t want to say bye to my aunt, I don’t feel like my time with her was enough. Oddly enough I feel like I could stay here for another month. I can only hope that I will be back sooner than later!

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