Monday, November 29, 2010

C'est la vie

Today I am leaving Paris and flying to Iran. This trip was suppose to be with my mom but I think I can manage flying into Iran without her. If anything this is a good experience for me to go by myself. There isn’t any real threat or problem going to Iran but I just feel better having someone there with me. I get nervous if they begin asking me questions, but I am assured that if I can fly to Paris and get a train to my hotel not speaking any French, then Iran is a breeze.

I know this sounds terrible but I am quite happy to be leaving Paris. After a while the city wore on me and as beautiful as it is there are many things that I can’t stand . Paris is by far one of the dirtiest places I have ever been and I have been to a lot of places. The people have no regard to take care of the city, keep in clean and take pride in it. They pollute everywhere, the metro stations are a disaster and the worst part is the toilets. The bathrooms are so gross that you walk in a forget you need to go. People don’t wash their hands after using the restrooms, I have seen more people peeing in the streets than I ever want to and although I have meet lots of nice people, the ones that are not nice are extremely rude. To top it all off the food in this city is a disaster. I was willing to spend about 20-30 euros for a nice dinner, that should get you decent food and it was the biggest waste of money. The food is so bad that I was tiered of eating and would only have one or two meals at the most. Sometimes that one meal was just a combo meal from McDonnalds. I am sure there are places that you can go and spend a good chunk of money and get a great meal but for the average person good luck. To be honest 20-30 Euros is not a cheap dinner and I would expect a nice meal. I can’t wait to get some good old Persian food!

Don’t get me wrong, it is a great place to visit for a few days but anything more is not for me. I was ready to leave days ago and was super happy this morning when I got on the bus. So bye bye Paris and hello Iran.

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